50 Happy Things: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude

December 21, 2015 — 74 Comments

My friend Dawn, who writes the blog Tales from the Motherland, invited me to a big blog party where we all flood the Interwebs with happiness and gratitude.

I met Dawn when I went to BlogHer. It was a magical meeting – we recognized one another in the lobby of the Hilton and screamed like hyenas. So, in honor of that cacaphonous connection, I’m writing this post.

The catch: We are supposed to come up with 50 things in 10 minutes.

People who read my blog know that even writing a post in one hour was hugely challenging. But I got amped up on caffeine and decided to Just Do It.

Here are 50 things that made me happy in 2015:


1. My kid, Little Dude. He’s a great big funny soul with a lion heart.

2. Music. I’m married to writing but I cheat with music.

3. My Brooklyn baseball hat.

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4. A great shade of red lipstick that doesn’t make me look like a deranged old lady.

5. This laptop. My partner in crime.

6. Writing. If I didn’t write my soul would implode.


8. Books.

9. Did I say books?

10. Colors. Especially purple, but all of them. They make life interesting.

11. Patti Smith. She was a skinny, picked-on outcast who reinvented herself as something else. That sounds familiar…

12. My Guardian Angel. Bless.




13. Eminem

14. M&M’s.

15. The incredible birthday mixtape blog hop that Lizzi created for my birthday this year.

16. Good hair days.

18. The fact that I can be rebellious and defiant and skip a number if I want to. Freedom. Fuck you, #17.

19. Laughing. I do it frequently. It fights aging.

20. Orgasms. Ditto.

21. Flirting. Especially at a red light. Long enough to be fun, short enough to make a clean getaway with no complications.

22. Math. This year and every year. Give me a complex math problem and my brain lights up like a pinball machine.

23. My rock tee collection.




24. Weight gain. Which is also something I loathe, but with it came breasts. I’m a REALLY late bloomer.

25. Blanket forts. My kid is King of the Blanket Forts.




26. Lenny Kravitz. Still. Always

27. New York City. I had way too much fun there this year.

28. That my kid fell in love with art this year. A pivotal experience.




29. Libraries. Nerd Central. Liking Star Wars doesn’t make you a nerd. Hanging out at the library does.

30. WordPress. They make me feel like a rock star. They recently included me in a New Year’s Blog resolution round up. 

31. Spotify. Whatever music I want, where I want it.

32. My new car – a Nissan Rogue. I know nothing about cars, and I totally I bought it because I like the name “Rogue.”

33. My guitar.



34. The high school kids who recently let me join their band.

35. Roku. I may never leave the house again.

36. The fact that nerd culture is now cool. It wasn’t always.

37. Superhero pajamas.



38. A black slouchy beanie that my kid says makes me look like one of the Seven Dwarves but is incredibly warm.

39. Kurt Cobain. Specifically, a documentary about him called Montage of Heck.

40. The kind of movie that you get a movie hangover from. See number 39.

41. I’m grateful for teenagers, and for being emotionally stunted enough to still feel like one.

42. The fact that my kid has not found me on the Internet. When he does, I’m fucked. For now, I can say whatever the hell I want on my blog and Facebook page, and I do.

43. French fries. One of the true great vehicles for ketchup.

44. Green drinks. They taste like swamp in a cup but I feel pretty great after I drink them.

45. Jason Bateman. He’s handsome, hilarious, and twisted.

46. The Sisterwives meetup in Dallas.

47. The fact that people READ WHAT I WRITE. And comment. Thank you.

48. Travel. That I live in a world where I can do it freely. This year I went to Nashville, Dallas, and am about to leave for Portland, Oregon for the holidays.

49. My mistakes. Holy shit, I made some HUGE ones this year. But the upside is, I won’t be making those again. And they give me something to write about. People love a good debacle not of their own making.

50. This song. Chills.


What things were you happy about in 2015? 
Talk to me. I’m listening. 


Join me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter  so I can have friends without leaving the house. 



If you’d like to join in, here’s how it works: set a timer for 10 minutes; timing this is critical. Once you start the timer, start your list (the timer doesn’t matter for filling in the instructions, intro, etc). The goal is to write 50 things that made you happy in 2015, or 50 thing that you feel grateful for. The idea is to not think too hard; write what comes to mind in the time allotted. When the timer’s done, stop writing. If you haven’t written 50 things, that’s ok. If you have more than 50 things and still have time, keep writing; you can’t feel too happy or too grateful!

When I finished my list, I took a few extra minutes to add links and photos.

To join us for this project: 1) Write your post and publish it (please copy and paste the instructions from this post, into yours). Click on the link below to join the party. 

Share your happy thoughts, your gratitude; help us flood the blogosphere with both!


Linkey thing here: http://www.inlinkz.com/new/view.php?id=592585

74 responses to 50 Happy Things: Bloggers Unite in Flood of Gratitude


    I love your list. It made me happy.


    2015 was a great year, not for me, but for other people. Like my sister for example, she is now engaged. It isn’t that big of a deal except for the fact that she had buried her last husband nine days after their marriage. If she can pick herself up and keep going, what is wrong with the rest of us.

    Love the post. Now I have to find something that I’M happy about. Wish me luck.


    This is a great list Samara (and I was super happy to see you on the WordPress 2016 post, BTW!). I’ve been through a lot this past year and writing my blog helps me remember that. It’s like there’s more obvious proof of where I’m still fucked up and where I’ve made progress. Otherwise it’s just in my head and I doubt both.

    Perhaps I should do my own. But feel like I should shower first… or after your Miami hooker comment, maybe I should wait until after?


      Ha! Just drink coffee first, or whatever your energy drink of choice is. This was like doing a sprint!
      Blogs are great for seeing what the year was like, aren’t they? And yes, PLEASE do your list, and join the link!


    Orgasms! Lenny Kravitz! Jason Bateman! Kurt Cobain! All things I love too!! (I haven’t seen Montage of Heck yet but I plan to one day) Most excellent list, Samara.



      Okay, I’m done fangirling.
      So glad you liked my list! Later today I’m going to read everyone else’s!
      Montage of Heck is fantastic. Disturbing, but really good.
      I’m so glad you said hi. Day made.


        I’m fangirling you! your list really resonated with me. I’m a gigantic Nirvana fan. I’m wearing a Nirvana t-shirt from their concert back in 1991 right now. (I used to live in Olympia, Washington in 1991). Anyway, enough rambling. Have a very holly jolly holiday!


    What kind of guitar?
    Nothing like a good sounding acoustic cutaway to get up to the really high notes.


    Blanket forts are the best..


    this post was amazing! i love your blog, and it would mean the world if you could possibly check mine out? thank you so much xx


    Thanks for writing this. I’ve been feeling down, and this has inspired me to draw up my own list.


    Why the hell didn’t I put orgasms? Man, I love them! And Lenny! Shit, I knew your list would be way cooler! See, you can do some pretty badass writing with a blogun to your head! (I made that word up). SO glad you joined us, Samara; so glad we got to meet and scream and compare shoes and dance together and connect… so glad you’re you. Don’t change. (not to sound like a high school yearbook quote). Thanks for joining! xoxo


    #32: I’m sure that was just a clever marketing ploy by Nissan. But if you’re happy with the car, then Rogue it is. 🙂
    And I’m definitely not doing this list of 50. This is way above my pay grade.


    These are awesome, Samara! Here’s to good lipstick! LOL. xo


    THIS!! #29. “Libraries. Nerd Central. Liking Star Wars doesn’t make you a nerd. Hanging out at the library does.” THANK YOU! Love the whole list but especially #29.


      When did people who are into pop culture appropriate it as nerdism? As a card-carrying nerd, I object!

      To the true nerd, comic books and Star Wars are cool! Physics is nerdy. Amirite??


        Totally. My friend keeps referring to her significant other as her sexy nerd/geek. I finally met him and he asked what I do in my spare time. ‘Read’ popped out first, and he responded, “Didn’t know anyone did that anymore.” Umm…then enough with your self-proclaimed nerd status. Bye.

        You are SO right!


        Right? Don’t you DARE appropriate nerd-dom from the true nerds! We fought hard for that status! We got our ASSES kicked for that status!
        what philistine doesn’t know that people read? Ew.

    Gretchen Kellaway December 21, 2015 at 7:50 pm

    I want to write a list!! Can I join?

    I love your list! *cuddles list* oh was that weird? Sorry- I am coming down from working since 3 this morning!


      Gretchen! PLEASE write a list and join us! Dawn would LOVE to have you and your positive vibes!
      She’s awesome; take a look at her list, too.
      And send me the link to yours, so I will read it, as well as joining the linkey thing.


    OMG. Kettering!!!! One of my FAVORITE SONGS OF ALL TIME. ❤


    Lovely list, Samara. I need some of those pajamas! I got the boobs later, too. Hey, you got to celebrate this, right? Congrats on your blogging success and for all the inspiration! xox


    Books, forever and always. And blanket forts and WordPress– yes, and more yes. ❤


    6. Writing. If I didn’t write my soul would implode
    Books. Books. Libraries.

    You are interesting, cool, awesome, smart, and bloggable!

    xx kiss from MN.


    wow, i like your article. and i love this picture


    Loved all of these, especially writing, books and french fries! You’re a woman after my own heart.


    I’m so grateful you traveled to my town:) And for wine.💗


    I LOVE EVERYTHING! But especially #4 🙂


      I KNEW you would! It’s Urban Decay “Manic.” What a great name! It’s pretty dramatic. In recent years deep red lipstick started aging me. This one I love!
      I tried on about a hundred. No exaggeration.


    First of all, I am writing this from the Library. So there. Actually I’m writing this from my basement, which I’m pretty sure is worse. Anyway, my point: I am not having the most fa lalalalala -holiday this year, and reading this made me smile, and think of my own list. I hope you enjoy your time in Portland. 🙂 ❤


    I love love love your super hero pajama’s


    Awesome list Samara! What made me happy this year was meeting awesome people like you!

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your little dude!


    I agree with #43. Can’t live without fries and ketchup. People usually ask me: “Would you like some fries with your ketchup?”


    I found your blog on WP’s blog resolution list and boy am I in for a treat! Blogging, sarcasm, mom humor, talk of orgasms, and #12 is my favorite. I’m not a big time blogger but I’ve got big girl panties and I love making goals and list. I also love Jesus and cuss … a lot. Cheers to you and 2016, I’m so glad I found your site!


      Hey there!
      So glad you found me!
      And I just found YOU, in my “waiting to be moderated” comment section, which I don’t check as often as I should.
      Thanks for reading, and commenting, and I look forward to hanging out more with you. xoxoxooxox


    Well done. I am grateful for having read it!


    Awesome |dwartsonline.wordpress.com


    Little Dude, The Sisterwives, Books, Writing, Music…

    You got everything just perfect. And I’m so glad you loved your mixtape 🙂

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. 50 happy things. | Bug Bytes - January 1, 2016

    […] Here’s Samara’s.  […]

  2. And A Gratitude Miracle Happened! | TALES FROM THE MOTHERLAND - January 4, 2016

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